Thursday, December 02, 2004

Throne of Lies

In the wake of the re-emergence of kind, revered soul Donald Rumsfeld to the news because of the war crimes charges levied in Germany against him and others concerning the Abu Ghraib atrocities, as well as consideration of the mentality of those who are wont to high five the perpetual killings in the Middle East -- justifiable or not a la the Mosque execution of the mortally wounded insurgent, my friend Martha offers the following brilliant quote and assessment:

"'Anyone who looks with anguish on evils so great, so repulsive, so savage, must acknowledge the tragedy of it all; and if anyone experiences them or even looks on at them without anguish, his condition is even more tragic, since he remains serene by losing his humanity.'Augustine

What troubles me is not so much Augustine's reference to one's indifference of serenity, but that I've seen and heard other human beings overtly, insensitively affirm acts of violence that should have invariably horrified them. How far beyond a "mere" loss of humanity is such a person? What have we become?"

Shit, how great/awful is that?


Blogger Paul V. Regelbrugge said...

Hi Kristi! How are you? It would be great to see you, your sisters and parents over the holidays. I sincerely hope you're well, notwithstanding the times. Keep reminding your daughter to keep her eyes open,and God bless!

8:06 AM  

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