Saturday, November 27, 2004

"Real Life Notebook" and "Puritans, Meet the Jacobins"

Here are two "songs"/lyrics I've just written:

"real life notebook"
ideas like tumbling leaves,
give chase
until you trip
or they dead end
along baseball fences
or abandoned buildings.
you were a fool
to believe
the ideas could ever amount to anything.
a fool to champion autumn
in the face of cold.
estranged from what is lost,
and yet what you hold is so little
that you define yourself
to anyone who'd listen
by what you have lost,
what you could have been
and still could be...
if not for the circumstances.
and when there is no one left to listen,
you dim the lights
cue the accordion music
light the scented candles
and revel in the possibilities...
of winding back clocks;
of freezing kisses
and stealing more of them;
of catching the leaves before the breeze
and you were faster;
of conjuring great thoughts
and divining what the hell they mean;
and of having someone around more often
not only to listen to you
but inspire you.
this is rational on paper;
a tear-stained page in your real life notebook.
your real life notebook of fantasies
and delusions.
"puritans, meet the jacobins"
the grip of men
around your ankles,
you dangle
you writhe
and flail
... your head below the water.
this is just the beginning,
you know,
because you were predestined
to die in the guise of baptism
for the sake of terror.
born evil,
you craved rules and punishment
to brand "good"
on a bad piece of hide.
you will stomach this
until you have no stomach
to see ol' blue skies
turned red.
you will inhale bilge water
until the air is rarified
or you no longer breathe.
hang upside down
until your head is clear
or the world stops spinning.
either way
it's just the same
it makes no difference;
it's raining terror
in a circular way.
dead or good
good or dead
dead good.
it's what you wanted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fucking brill.

2:00 PM  

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