Monday, November 22, 2004

Dog Day Afternoon

Kevin Sites, the NBC journalist who captured the Marine's summary execution of the injured insurgent in the mosque last week, has now weighed in with his own open letter to the Marines' "Devil Dogs" at All in all, i think he only barely/arguably retains objectivity, a phenomenon not surprising to me considering the inherent plight of embedded reporters. If your very life depends on the fortune of the company with which you are fighting/traveling, then aren't you necessarily going to become, if you weren't already, a homer? Clearly, though Sites generally considers that what happened was likely wrong, he falls far short of condemning it and rather lauds/echoes that, by and large, "we're" the ones in the right. He does so regardless of his own belief that there were no immediately mitigating factors presented. Sites invokes the "bad apple" mantra among a bushel of good eats (see my earlier entry re bad apples v evil incarnate), but even then he appears to bear sympathy for the shooter. Riddled with contradictions....


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