Friday, December 17, 2004

Let's get metaphysical

Whilst devoting the bulk of my "free time" of late to "creative" work at , regrettably the Whorehouse has gone whoreless: windows shuttered; smiles turned cold; condom wrappers unopened. The land of great promise for patriots was but a mirage, at least for the past week. I'm contemplating resuscitating the House with an infusion of ... well, I just don't know yet. In truth, if I'm contributing my creative writings and reviews exclusively to TWP, then I fear the Patriot is less interesting ... for me, if for no one else. I'll try and conjure some way to permit my free time to be amicably and satisfactorily split between the two blogs, it's just that I only have x amount of time to offer beyond son, wife, home, work and personal.
Anyway, one thought I'd like to share at this time, given that this is, after all, the season in which to sip milk of human kindness (thanks, Dickens). The other night I was walking, with 2 1/2 yr old/nearly 40 pound son Adrien in my arms, down several blocks to my local video store to get a movie (Bourne Supremacy, I think in retrospect). It was raining outside. It was dark. It was cold. He was heavy. He didn't want to walk -- wanted to be held. Did I say it was raining? Anyway, a guy I don't know personally beyond reciprocal waves and hellos when we see each other outside saw us trudging in the rain by his house as he was getting home from work, and he said hello, and then asked if we'd like him to get us an umbrella to use for our walk. I said, humbly, no but thank you so much -- that's so nice of you to offer. Such a little thing, but I couldn't help but wonder how many "strangers" you know who have/would ever offer to get you an umbrella out of his home for you to use so you wouldn't get wet? Pretty amazing milk of human kindness, in spite of these wretched times. Thanks, man. Thank you.


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